Did I buy a bootleg album? The back and color look quite off.
First post but I think I found the fazers sample everyone just skip to 1:42
Has anyone found the Fazers sample yet?
New lead in the Fazers sample hunt
Give me a random lyric and I’ll try to guess the song
How do I make my hair hang and fall down over my forehead more?
What's the most meaningless scar you have acquired?
I have a theory on where in the world the song might be from
Join our search for EKT
Can my face pull off a buzz cut (I’m worried I’m too bulky for one)
Found this place on Google maps. Thought it looked just right for this subreddit.
Grow or cut?
I created a series where Space Ghost interviews other cartoon characters (AS originals or not). I did this out of boredom, but I kinda wish this was how SGC2C really was. Here is my first one. Any request for the next one?
you ruined it
911 Operators of Reddit, what is the strangest calls you have ever received?
Godzilla has probably gone through worse in it's 60 years of films, but as a G fan, how do you feel about Godzilla content becoming Elsa-Gate levels of bad?
Pick any non-Kirby game. Now replace its protagonist with Kirby. How much of an absolute joke does Kirby turn the game into?
So what do you play.
It slaps hard every time
Who is this? Wrong answers only
Can Not Really Think Of A Good Title...
This boi a HECCIN chonker
Cabbage in 2020 vs 2021 - Chonker transformation
Nothing false about this statement