The people who are heavy on MSTY, why do you feel so confident to invest into this? What could go wrong?
Still pretty good
(Weekly) update #2
Do you think it is just MSTR or MSTY?
2025, YieldMax is going to explode. And we are all going to make MONEY 💰
Please help
Can’t sell a stock please help
How many msty share do you have now? Just curious ..
Let’s see who got the highest dividend amount for msty.. go..
Gooy coming in clutch
Please tell me your thought
What choice ?
Help in tax
This week
Explain me your most successful strategy
When will the expiration date of 2027 be released? I can only see January date. When will the rest of the year date be posted?
When will the expiration date of 2027 be released? I can only see January date.
Which stock/ETF gives the highest dividend.. trying to create a dividend profile.. what should I add?
Week 12/08/2024 - 12/14/2024 Payouts
Deep in the money for palantir
Covered call for palantir
Didn't post my holdings in my original post... So here it is.
Thank you YieldMax. For giving me the power to hop jobs whenever I want not having to worry about unemployment. Growth isn’t going to do that for you!
Will this ever recover? Probably time to just cut my losses huh? Lol
How is CONL for covered call? Is it a safe stock to buy now? Help please. Thanks