"Nuh Uh! Manabox Says It's A 3!"
Easy ways to break the new Jumbo Cactuar card?
Razor wolverine V3
I only want to play ONE deck. Is that a bad thing?
Can y'all shoot the mutant this fast?
Xbox one in 2025
AUG 4x - Elite series 2 - message for sensitivity settings 😊
This is the Vikendi we deserve
PUBG Xbox Issues
New player
Feedback Thursday - Let PUBG Studios Hear Your Feedback - January 09
Fire weapon / place marker
New PUBG AI Ally system
Influx of bots
Graphics Settings
What's up with the maps?
How to have better recoil control?
How NOT to push a building in RANKED 😆
Who Remembers?
Respectful ways to play Recurring Nightmare?
PSA: False bans with officially licensed Xbox controllers
$9.99 worth of trash
its complete bs that you can’t transfer your progress and items from xbox to ps5
Shut up and play