What song are you currently most obsessed with?
How to Find an Apprenticeship Under a CA in Chandigarh?
How can you tell it's a bot?
Who is this? Wrong answers only.
What does my mastery point tell yall?
Wie is de beste
Played ranked today and this happened
What was I actually meant to do?
you might get ambushed
I reached tier max with power level 1 Bonnie; playing only with randoms
El Atomico should get custom VFX
who's gonna tell him?
My random(2v2 Brawl Ball)
Average randoms
Will Supercell goes bankrupt if they give more than 1000 blings in this??
Most pay to win feature?
I found a visual Bug Starr Power mix-up in Ranked
Pick one
Hello everyone!
Star player
My mother is ______
Petition to bring back this Map
What side are you on?
What would you Remove from Ben 19
Weebs Assemble