One thing that makes the Gmork scene stand out to me is it's rare for a kids' film to have a child straight-up kill the villain. It really shows you don't want Atreyu as your enemy.
Confusion on the heat to & cool to feature on the Google home app. Why is the heat to number lower & the cool to number higher. For instance, in the schedule I can set the heat to 65⁰F & I can set the cool to 75⁰F, is there a way to change this? It's so confusing & doesn't make any sense. Nest Gen 4
Hi, I'm Judge Judy. I get paid 45 million dollars a year to yell at people who have nothing
[Jada Stevens] Community Card November 2024 (Animated) 💖
You wake up and it's the year 1998. What do you do?
20 of my favorite pairs of tits in porn! List your top 5 on offer + 1 you would add to the list
This video left me feeling relieved. 🤣
Confusion on the heat to & cool to feature on the Google home app. Why is the heat to number lower & the cool to number higher. For instance, in the schedule I can set the heat to 65⁰ & I can set the cool to 75⁰, is there a way to change this? It's so confusing & doesn't make any sense. Nest Gen 4.
[Weekly FAQ] ask Frequently Asked-, Short-, Limited-scope-, Technical- & New Player Questions in here
Just installed my Google Nest 4th gen. Do I have to use it with the Google Home app or can I use it with the Google Nest app. The Google Home App makes me want to throw my phone and I've never done that before. (Cont.)
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Is there a longer video people have seen?
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