H:Leaders W:Wasteland Hunter Backpack plan
H:bosjs W:180 Leaders
H: 300 caps W: fully modded Gatling plasma
H: 1100 Leaders W: TLC
H: List W: Apparel (listed)
H: Shielded Casual Lining plan W: Offers
H: GSB W: Leaders
H: Responders Set W: Apparel/Leader Offers
H: Rejuvenators/Reflective W: Brahmin/Winterman/Fiend
H: Uny/ap/sent heavy bos set W: box mods
H: trades (list below) W: Items off wish list
H: Wasteland Rags Hood(s) W: Offers
H: Top EPR mods W: Offers
H: 225 Nuka Quantums W: Offers
? What is coffee worth?
H: Pink Bat (Level 45) W: Leaders
H: Responders Fireman Outfit and Helmet W: Leaders
H: mods in pic W: Overeater, powered and durability mods
H: Responders Full Set W: Leaders
H: Wasteland Rags Hood W: Leaders
Plan characters still available?
H: Wasteland Rags Hood W: Leaders offers
H: trade W: courier
H: Forest Scout and urban mask W: 175 leaders obo for both
H: 1k rad sugar bombs W: 150 leaders