Why are my shrimp not breeding?
Is my tank safe for shrimps
**We Want Your Input!**
Why does it look like my fish have a hard time swimming is this normal
“Nerite snails will eat algae and dead plant matter while leave living tissue in tact” <3
Failed Molt?!?
Where do you purchase your shrimp from?
Our shrimp keep randomly dying, help please!
How to do solve this future problem? 😹
I woke up to a pregnant teen what are the chances her babies survive?
Unique Shrimp Tank
What are my shrimp doing
Please show me your shrimptank!
My new shrimptank, what do you think? 😊
Berries? My daughter's first tank.(age 9)
I love my tank, even if it’s not the prettiest
Paludarium with brine shrimp?
Are these the same breed!
aerator blew
Identifying male vs female 'sea monkey's
The journey begins (Sea Monkey virgin) 😉
Sea monkey advise
10 days after replacement brine shrimp eggs
Is this too gross for my sea monkeys?