[SPOILERS S1] How did Mikkel do the cup trick in episode 10?
(S1 Spoilers) How did Mikkel do the cup trick in episode 10?
How did Mikkel do the cup trick in Season 1 Episode 10?
Has anyone asked a girl out who works in a store?
How do you feel Scott Steiner would have done if he had been on Smackdown instead in 2002?
Would Scott Steiner have been better if he was on Smackdown when he debuted in 2002?
Would Scott Steiner have been better on Smackdown when he debuted in 2002?
Have you ever asked out a girl who works in retail?
Girl in retail question.
When a girl initiates conversation in a store.
It would’ve been neat to see the actual DA try a case.
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Sony reportedly plans to reboot the SSU. The studio is taking its recent failures seriously. (DEADLINE)
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How do think the ADAs would have worked with other squads?
Scream 4 Kirby ?