Do you always have unpopular opinions?
What bipolar symptoms are you tired of?
I don’t like being overly depended on by my partner
I don’t like feeling out of control
I don’t like when people say "you’ve changed."
What's the most annoying misconception about bipolar disorder?
1/8 I don’t like judging
I don’t like judging
What is the trait you dislike the most about yourself?
I don’t like how my mind never seems to stop
What do you want to say 'No' to?
I Don’t Like Others Making Decisions for Me
I don’t like being told to smile for the camera, especially when it feels more like a demand than a suggestion.
What seemingly polite or enthusiastic behaviors at social gatherings do you secretly hate?
What do you think was overrated in 2024?
What’s Overrated: The "Quick-Fix" Approach to Personal Growth
What’s your most hated manipulation tactic?
What do you hate most about Christmas?