My dentist told me I need bone grafts after my teeth extractions while I wear dentures because I told him after the dentures I wanted to do implants 6 months later any advice anyone?
My dentist thinks I need bone grafts after my teeth extractions while I wear dentures because I told him after the dentures I wanted to do implants I think it’s a money grab any advice anyone ?
Day 2 healing after First surgery of "All-on-X" Full Mouth Restoration at Smile 4 Ever Mexico in Tijuana
Bone grafts the doctors thinks I need them because I told him my plan after dentures is to get implants so he suggested bone grafts not sure if it’s a money grab but my teeth are messed up from my car accident. Here’s a picture I need some advice please
It’s going for $18,500….should I buy it I’m unsure
The guys at r/Ferrari told me it’s an Aston Martin colour, is it?
Ok so
Should I buy it ? Or needs too much work unsure
guys am i ugly be honest…
No friends for almost 20 years (38M), please be kind. I'm tired of hiding from the world
What’s a good reliable company to fix my credit score please !!!
Am I chopped?
One of my classmates stole my German passport, and he’s trying to be smart…
14m am I ugly? sometimes I be feeling insecure about my looks be honest but don’t clown and please give me advice how to look better
19F Feeling anxious all the time in college and could use some compliments
18m should i try and tan or keep pale look?
Is the body hair too much or unkept-looking?
A girl told me she tought i looked 45 even tho i am 23.
Trying Valium for the first time. How are they compared to Xanax
34M - Recovery from addiction has been harder than ever lately. Just feeling extremely lost & tired.
Let's go
Another earthquake ?
19F Why did I get uglier?
Will I experience withdrawal?