Looking for skill books in build 42
Hiisi Box Softlock
oh yeah 😎
True-kin early game tips?
Sib has got a body like a skill-tree
Crushed?! How small were they?
Noob tip: check the plants
I guess if you attend the funeral before digging up the tree leader it balances out karmaticly
Ways to create walls?
what map is he playing?
These are my stats after ~2 weeks of playing
Is there a way to move other creatures?
The Sharpening Experience
I have been micro dosing soda to stay awake
Dev Appreciation Post
Found a gold bar in vanilla B42, it weighs 16.0, heavier than a grill
I found this town, should I enter?
Which Zone do you spend the LEAST amount of time in?
How much is a dram?
B42 Hunting
(B42) Aiming at a crawler through a fence turns you into a Goomba
Idea for how to change Agriculture XP is gained
Which Enemy Do You Hate The Most? (Not FEAR the most/Most Dangerous)
I finally managed to finish my workshop. IT TOOK 15 HOURS IRL its a little too complicated ngl.
I gotta pick Clairvoyance next time.