A spreadsheet for TCG Pocket that calculates the best pack to pull!
Great show tonight! Had a blast. I wish some of the younger kids knew how to be in the pit. Like, don’t dig your elbows into my back to give yourself space, everyone is getting thrown around…
Posting an underrated gwar song a day. Day 7: Penguin
GWAR Tribute Vest, Before/After Maiden Voyage!
Tribute Vest, Before/After Maiden Voyage! Oct. 20 in SF
How can I keep these badges on?
Can I put a patch of a band I like even if I dont listen to that specific album that is on the patch, or is that like an unwritten rule of battlejackets?
How many times can I mess up sewing before I ruin a patch
Been working on this since 2018 and I think it's finally finished
I got him his own jacket! Gonna have to make more patches!
Bloodbath death metal jacket
JTHM Vest I Put Together
Converting my hemp canvas work vest
Wasteland Warrior
My first vest
Finally finished up this vest. Still have more than enough to crank out another.
Somewhat finished
This is the first of many patched denim attire I own
New here
Rule Question
Final patch showed up today, been working on this one for about 6 months
I guess this has to be said.
First jacket, looking for layout opinions/suggestions!
Punkish in the front, metal in the back