I ordered two pins on 1/16. How long does it take for shipping?
It is too cold for this shit
This kitty is our opd mascot. My coworkers redraw it for every holiday. It is now Valentines Kitty
I saw this on Facebook. It made me think of Mark
My store has officially begun our remodel! I know OPD is being moved from the back of the store to the front! They better give us more space!! I think my store should be fully remodeled by the end of March or so.
We are cooked
My manager walked in today and I said “welcome to hell”
I think this picture best represents OPD before Christmas; especially the Sunday before Christmas
I learned something new today after being here for almost 3 years. You don’t get a pick rate for doing a holiday walk. Holiday was my first walk of the day
I think the system is color blind
I have never been so upset with a driver till tonight. 😡
Who needs 12 mirrors??? Btw it is a gmd. That driver is going to have fun delivering these
1 person ordered 30 Roku sticks. It was 3 different orders for the same person. They probably spent over $1,000 on these. We are now out of stock of these.
At my store; the labels aren’t printing.
I picked it up and it instantly ripped open. I wanna go home
The handle was hanging on by a thread, so my coworker just ripped it off
That’s a very helpful picture…..not
I only have one question how??
What the dog doing?
I can’t choose an outfit for Indy N3. help!
Quite roomy
A question for my ODP folks
2 day in a row of being absolutely cooked, but this time we have no management for our department. Our OTP is terrible.
We had a rough Sunday Morning. OTP got down to 3%. We have since got it up to above 30%
Perfectly done