Any tips how to find part-time job?
How to cope with hatred towards porn makers, sexual degenerates, and all that crap?
Should i stop having sex till i get married?
Food delivery individual seems to not take into consideration doorbell cameras
attend lecture but didn't ask any question?
Is it common for close Australian friends to call in the evening or show up to your house unannounced?
What death of a famous person actually affected you most?
Ill start
Do you think you are AGING like FINE WINE?
After 8 years, I finally understand the title of TOYPAJ
Do you know how to change a wheel/tyre on a car?
If you had to choose one thing to be instantly professional at, what would it be?
Writing with powder
I have to cut it off every two weeks
The Grounds Invaded by Yank Tanks
Question for MF couples: who is the driver when you drive together?
What's a youtuber you used to watch all the time but now you don't
What's your age and your total savings right now?
Hey guys - I went to the world tour last year when it stopped in Australia. What’s the difference between the world tour and the one more time tour?
Are you happy with having the Union Jack in your national flag, or do you wish that you had something more representative and emblematic of your country, like Canada did? Or do you not give a F?
Bus suffers brake failure, passengers brace for impact
What’s a common misconception foreigners have about Australia that you wish would go away?
What’s an Australian habit you thought was normal until you realized the rest of the world doesn’t do it?
The amount of people who say saved believers who commit suicide are going to hell breaks my heart.
For those who grew up in Australia, what is one smell that immediately takes you back to your childhood?