What is your “I did not care for the godfather” but in westerns?
I'm sure you'll get a permanent boner on your date if I wear this dress ;)
Mind if i shoot the B(r)eeze?
I made a music video for ‘The Navy Song”
Mao Ze Dong music in my Quick Picks
I see your Alligator Wearing Hats...I'll raise you my Alligator Wearing Boots.
My Top 10 Yellowcard Songs
What was the first Super Bowl you remember watching?
[COD] The greatest campaign out of these Cod games?
Herbert got fired FINALLY
The King and his GATECRASHER 🔥👑
[COD] how do i prevent my game from uninstalling itself every update?
Front or back?
Curated, themed playlists you're proud of?
Shuffle System is Terrible
The noise it's making...
The cassowary is commonly acknowledged as the world’s most dangerous bird, particularly to humans
YC songs on friend breakups
What flag is this?
someone was feeling patriotic
to be a brown shirt
Sunset Hill
Sunset Hill (art of rally)
Would you play Red Dead Redemption if it was 2D and why?
[COD] I am that weird guy.