Guess what I just got!!!
Broken helmet shots always go so hard in Power Rangers.
Name This Boss
Is he cooked or Nah?
Which season(s) did you completely forget about?
On a scale from one to ten what do you rate my collection
What’s his name
Never too late to get started
At what point in the series did you stop liking it as much as before?
What games do I play based off my avatar.
I'm putting together a team: A group of Rangers trying to do being a little bad >:)
Day 5: Shane won the angriest who’s the most annoying?
Who. Did. It. Best.
How would you have done a story on this ranger team
If he were to return to death battle, who would you want SpongeBob SquarePants to fight?
You can bring back one
The best protagonist
My Rosemary Cosplay!
This is ridiculous..
What’s something you’d change about this season: Power Rangers Jungle fury
I’ll make you a deal
Am I turning you on?
How to Drill a Hole Tutorial
"What's this family's last name?"