Why is it so hard to get a job with a Service Dog?
Is my shelter dog not ready for PA?
Preferred Treat Bags?
good golden retriever sd breeder
show me your favorite picture of your dog(s) as a puppy
I have many questions and no one to talk to
How do I deal with people constantly asking questions or remarking about my dog?
If your child was named the name you were obsessed with when you were little, what would it be?
Logistics of getting a service dog?
Does it make sense for me to get a kindle?
My little guy has been chewing on his tail :/
Handlers who have been through the TSA what does your process look like? Those who haven't been through the TSA what are some concerns or qualms you might have about going through?
My 2 year old red fox menace
My family thinks my dog has a different Dad I disagree
poodle (standard) or labrador?
Puppy blues
Is my dog too late to be trained as PSD
I need to apologize and explain
Am I the only one mad about that?
Question from the service industry
SD retirement :(
Father just diagnosed high risk MDS - help?!?!
Quick question
Need advice: Just found out my service puppy prospect has puppy strangles...
Alternative Treatments