Classics Week is around the corner. What would you like to see him review?
What do you think is the best Radiohead B-side? my personal favs are Supercollider and India Rubber
What is your favourite track 1,track 2,track 3 etc. from all the albums?
Which team is winning this death battle?
What are ‘the Illmatics’ of other genres?
Whats your favorite album that doesnt exist
Battle royale: Who wins?
What Albums Get A LITTLE Too Much Praise?
Favourite Radiohead Christmas song?
Choose one artist you think fits into each of these categories:
Songs that's names are also the name of their album?
What's the biggest quality gap between two consecutive tracks on any album?
What's an album that you think you should like based off your taste but just don't?
Zero Sum is better than anything on King of limbs and a moon shaped pool. Imagine if Radiohead played it next tour.
Songs That Aren't HORRIBLE... But You Hate Them Anyway
Best debut album out of these? (Didn’t include one and done bands like Temple of the Dog, Mad Season, and Mother love bone because I didn’t think it was fair)
Stand out example of a high kage level battle
Has the 2020s genuinely made any classics yet in the pop scene?
I havent heard anything by King Lizard and i want to start, what albums should i start with?
Is there any viable narrative backed evidence that Orochimaru the weakest of the Sanin (pre war arc)?
Songs that have titles of places and situations I would NOT want to be in
Name an album, I'll rank the entire tracklist
Whats your least favorite album you've heard?
Best two-song run on an album ever?
Pablo Honey: From Best to Worst (My Opinion)