Must have ....for Spring / Summer 25.
I don't see anyone wearing
New Fall25 Lace Up Hummer Boots with charms
Love these two ....
Slept on boots but love the silhouette of the 2 and distressed leather of the Strike boots.
Retail Therapy
AHHH hell yeah but it’s cropped😭😭
are these used strike boots worth 200?? grabbing them to use as beaters
favorite shoe thread
New fall25 Venom boots
Sergent Boots and Distressed Strike Boots ...a sleeper but I like them.
My first Balenciaga piece, got it for $340!
Stompers low vs. high
Final boss boots are here🔥🥾
Do the steroid boots tend to open up like this after you wear them a decent amount of times?
legit? i already purchased it paypal gns so ill refund if its fake
Carhartt Drop Loaded Up for Tomorrow. 10/11.
Should I get these or nah?
are balenciaga boots worth it?
Booties don’t get enough love
Does anyone have these or know how they fit?
Finally I got this
Do you know which balenciaga store has stomper boots !NOT BOOTIES!
Can't find these on the market.
Honest opinions required.