The 91 and 95 Heisei suits are immediately what comes to my mind when someone says Godzilla. His definitive look.
What are your thoughts on this scene?
The guy who made this article is on to something ❌ The guy who made this on on something ✅.
Why the monster verse has continued being successful while they're cinematic universes have failed
Is Destoroyah the most compelling and thought provoking well written character that is really deep compared to every other Kaiju in Godzilla?
What do my Favorite Godzilla films say about me??
Hopes for IDW's Kaisei Era?
Tell me something you would change from the Monsterverse.
Which Ghidorah design is the best
He aint by kaijukrew
Are titans outside of Godzilla capable of going “nuclear”?
Who are yall's favourite HUMAN characters? (my list on this post is on descending order)
What film are you going with?
Monsterverse Godzilla in Godzilla the Series art style
'Godzilla: Here There Be Aliens' #1 to Invade Comic Shops in May
Scaling in gxk
What’s your preferred origin story for the King Of The Monsters?
Who's more insufferable?
Day 19 - Who is GvK’s worst character?
How would you feel if there was a brand new Mechagodzilla in Monsterverse and it looked like this?
How would you implement Gamera into MV since his entire backstory was taken by this version of Godzilla?
Prompted Google's Gemini for an image of Godzilla and a blue whale being best friends.
Which movie is better?
I really love how Ilene Andrew's style changed along the way through the movies.