I love these guys and I will fight and die on this hill if I have to.
What does r/esotericism think of Billy Carson
What’s a metal song you love but almost nobody knows about?
Imagine ruining such a good cammo jacket by shitpatching it.
My first battle jacket in 25 years
They’re not even trying anymore (if they ever did.)
A simpl hand painted piece
Does anyone know of any good Hermetic metal bands?
What are the recent metal classics?
The song that made you cried the most ?
Favorite Bands That Elitists Love To Hate On?
Like a memory in motion, you were only passing through.
Why are you depressed ?
What are your guys thoughts on Nile?
I just watched Alien Romulus and don't understand why so many people don't seem to like it
People trying to make me optimistic makes me more depressed
What's something LOK did BETTER than ATLA?
There is no back door to heaven except through Jesus...only makes sense with gnosticism.
A mix of psychological and supernatural
I need help deciding i won't be looking at it anyway but what Is better?
My first handgun
Name a band that you can’t get into despite trying hard and wondering if the problem is you because they have a big following.
Every movie has their audience, but.. I've never seen a fan of The Bye Bye Man.
Breathwork doesn't work for me anymore
"There is a fifth dimension... beyond that which is known to man." Which eerie Twilight Zone episode comes to mind when you think about the unknown?
It Follows- Why I don't think Yarra had "It"