Incredible moment when Big brother finds out he’s an exact donor match to save his baby sister’s life
Whats one thing you wish the Singaporean public understood but no matter how many times it is explained, most simply prefer to live in their ignorance.
How the hell do I make eye contact with people?
I (f29) went through my bf’s iPad (m32) and found a lot more than I expected. Do I even try?
What does my taste in men say about me?
Its better to be straightforward
A cool guide to Hybrid Meals
Am I weird for ghosting my friends?
Cost of living tops Singaporeans' concerns ahead of GE, 1 in 4 voters undecided on who to support: Survey
Movies that are better than the book
Not A Corner
Grateful for Malaysia
How would you describe this type of female face?
Do women find the Prince Charming look attractive?
My husband is a lazy piece of shit
Do you prefer “outcome based” or “time based” job/work?
Family's friends and relatives age shaming you during CNY
Am I Overreacting My Wife (42F/45M) Is Sleeping With Other Men
"But that's not in Tokyo!"
No longer interested in anything except making money?
Playing badminton while visiting Japan?
Feeling depressed, but I’m not sure where to start
Are there genuinly happy couples?
Why are so many r*dditors such miserable people?