Xu Jinping goon cave
Some severance posts make me scared for the lack of media literacy
Sem palavras, apenas felicidade.
TIL There was a Portuguese woman in early 18th century who disguised herself as a man and joined the army, fought in India and became captain of a fortress. She was found out when she asked the king for permission to marry a colleague.
Lule, your son has returned
It's always bothered me that we just left this Paripus outside of Altabury to die when we found him injured. We literally have healers and potions in our party...
[DISC] Chainsaw Man - Ch. 191 links
Ontem eu fiz um post aqui mostrando meu series s que eu resolvi fazer troca de pasta térmica e começaram a me xingar por simplesmente estar cuidando de algo que EU comprei kkk
Não é possível
Can you goat down the observatory in sundered pass?
No options left
How to change controllers at vita3k?
No Water Or AC On Flight, Handcuffed: How Brazilians Deported From US Reached Home
Bora do melhor personinha. O q tão jogando hoje?
Nice choice of words Strohl
sem clubismo: seria essa a pior geração de todos os tempos?
Always have this
A Review of Eat the Reich: Hellsing meets Inglorius Basterds
Veteran Storyteller Thoughts: Is Old World of Darkness Combat the Deadliest RPG System?
It's officially been 8 years since RE7 first came out.
Queer Discourse
I was watching puishing daisies...
Pilot of British Airways flight 5390 was held after the cockpit window blew out at 17,000 feet