I left an extremely abusive ex and now I need a car to get a job
So, what is everybody's piercing collection?
We’re all sick of “autism is a superpower”, but if any of your traits were a superpower, which would it be, and would it be good or evil?
Are you an “has to be even on both sides” autistic or “it’s too freaking uniform” autistic?
My family cannot come to an agreement on a name for this sweet baby girl! Please help us!
My partner is poly but won’t let me be too
Would you cure your adhd if you could?
What autistic insult do you hate the most?
Question for religious lgbtq people?
I heard asexuality is common amongst ASD individuals
Is it normal to not mind having a d*ck (as a trans girl)?
What’s a recent smell that you noticed you really enjoyed?
What made/makes you most dysphoric?
What is your transmasc song?
What's the most 'unfair' part about being born as a girl?
I feel ugly since I started T
how long does it take you guys to get ready in the morning?
Alright what are your favorite songs? Ill listen to all of them and tell you my honest opinion!
A question I've been wondering for asexuals who ______
Wal-e is the best cat I’ve ever had, but he needs to stay humble
What’s a thing you wish people understood about being trans, misconceptions, prejudices or other wise ignorance?
What’s something you wish people understood about being trans?
What is your three words?
Chubby trans guys
What would a clothing brand made for trans people have?