most normal chinareich player
for eel
Warlord Grindset
rookie mistake
a very SEES-ful christmas
they hated each other
Repackaged yaldaboath
smh they tried to enact revolutionary change without class consciousness of the masses
baby's first challenge
I'm the 1936 U.S election, who is your favorite establishment Candidate?
Laatste ronde: De gehele wereld heeft besloten Nederland aan te vallen, maar om het iets eerlijker te maken, heeft Nederland al zijn oude koloniën teruggekregen. Wat is ons plan van aanpak?
Shido radicalized Ohya
casually conquers asia
Every person is a king and queen. Artist OmskForever
Yan Huiqing doesn’t need an agenda
Crafting conconctions
How would Japan occupied China rebel?
...Has this been done before?
when the chinese warlords got bangers
oh my goodness gracious
Could someone please explain to me how the Canadian Labour Congress works?
Place your bets now
fuuka friday LISTEN‼️