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Name please
20 years old, half Puerto Rican (nobody believes me), cat LOVERRR bisexual give me your worst
pls help me name him
9/10 snoot, quite boopable
Newton turned six yesterday!
What would you name this lil guy
What’s his name!!
Tiny boy chihuahua needs a name. 🖤
what's your current song fixation?
No name seems right for this pretty boy! Something funny but not outrageous, he's a classy man
I used to work in an inpatient psychiatric hospital from 2017-2019 AMA.
Just adopted these two guys. Looking for some name suggestions thanks!
How do you guys handle anxiety/panic attacks?
how can i make myself look less masculine/glow up before school starts??
Name this cat! Bonus points if starts with a C but not necessary. 1yo female coming home in 2 days
How do you clean?
AITA for calling out how a grown man speaks to his young daughter?
Finding one of my dad's long lost IRA books