What characters could Beat The Doctor?
Do the Sovol printers ever go off sale?
Bambu Censorship
Bye bye bambu
EmuDeck Connected Controller Issues
P1s regret
Looking for fellow photography buffs
I cant be the only one who sees it
Is 29, going to be 30 this year too late to transition?
Dont download the latest p1s firmware
Firmware Update Introducing New Authorization Control System
One of my supports failed. Is this sketchy enough or no?
Xbox guts for anyone that wants them
32 and my egg is trying to crack!
Is this an official printing of this book?
I just took my first estrogen pill
What would cause this?
Saw on Facebook, I don’t get it?
Five years ago, on January 5th, 2020... The Thirteenth Doctor discovered that Gallifrey had been destroyed... again.
Sensuous Caress
/r/DoctorWho's Ratings for Joy to the World are....
Hardmodding the OG Xbox has never been so easy or affordable
Central Park, NYC
Potential unpopular opinion: I liked the trans character in Squid Game
Any ideias on what is happening here and how to fix it?