Tell me your best hiding spot
Got a DUI from getting road head
I’ve never bought a laxative in my life
Was doing great
Do we still like Shaq?
Capital One Guy hands
Not burning the candle at both ends, taking a box of candles and tossing it into a bonfire
Does anyone miss who they were?
Beginner question - please help a newbie!
My 2 year bumpy sober journey. I've been back on track for 2 months now
Addiction smells like…
What's the most intense physical pain you've ever experienced?
My Drinkcation is over
How old were you when you stopped drinking?
I ruined Christmas for the 4th year in a row
The worst thing I've done for a drink...
Sober most of the year, relapsed for 2 months, sober again 108 days. 25lbs down this year which makes a HUGE different as a 5’2 woman! 🎉
Groping my workmate M24 private part while he was asleep.
Walking Disaster: My Life Through Heaven and Hell [Book Discussion Thread]
I stole a handjob