Floor is Lava
Would you adopt a rabbit with no ears?
It is 5am. I woke up to little feet running across my room and was like "What the heck?" Linus chewed a hole through his cage, escaped and got the zoomies.
Anyone’s bunny had small poops ??
Would you adopt an earless bun?
They say owners resemble their pets…
Looking for a Foster or Furever
before or after? i will use any tips to make my bun happier!!
Idk what to do - wound healing wrong
Stuck poo
Post surgery update
Is this set up okay for my rabbit for the night?
What kind of rabbit is this? It’s outside my house for last 2-3 months hanging out.
Bunny not pooping?
Spay Surgery Cost for my 5-year old bun
question about bonding male-male rabbits
He likes the smell of my towel
Changing my rabbits to new hay. Should I do it gradually?
Jaw abscess - looking for advice
How long can Timothy hay be stored?
Chewing mitigation
Did I pay too much to have my rabbit neutered?