Have you ever witnessed something you believed was supernatural ?
What female infjs seek for in their potential romantic partner?
What do you have
What do you do on your birthdays?
How was your childhood?
Which MBTI is your favorites like top 3?
heyy guyss... show me the names of your playlists!!
Gimme your big 3 and I’ll roast you to oblivion (Part 2)
If you could change one letter from your personality type what would you change and why?
How is the distribution of personalities fair?
Today is my 18th birthday.
how did you guys react to taking a drop?
I am soo tired of selfish people.
What would be your ideal birthday gift?
What are your relationships like with sensor mbti types?
What is Fe to you?
As an INFJ where do you prioritize romantic love in your life?
Type me based on some random memes I saved from reddit
What MBTI is your family, and what MBTI are you?
What’s your IQ as an INFJ?
Another astrology chart
Best sign you've ever been best friends with? What's your moon & rising?
How do you and your type respond when you’re angry at someone?
What careers would INFJs excel at?