Anon dislikes Pirate Software
What's your opinion on John and Hank green? Really like the crash course stuff they do.
Why does Scream 2 feel so underwhelming?
Coaxed into every r/all sub
Groovers Ball (ft Adrian Reyes, DJ LIGMA, Oscar Osorio, & TAJ) - Fri Jan 31
Pause the leftist doom posting, what console did the most for the culture?
Damn I kinda wanted to talk about MCR and my GameCube
Master Petah, can you explain wtf I just read?
What’s your perspective on the current era and future of movies?
Why are you Americans not doing anything?
Favorite female villains who’s backstory didn’t involve being victimized/abused (by a man)
Skai Jackson announces she has welcomed her first child!
Skai Jackson reveals she has welcomed her first baby!
Did any actual good come out of the 2020 BlackLivesMatter hype?
Is Vader canonically the galaxy’s best swordsman by the events of RotJ?
Any more examples where the main character being the chosen is subverted in some way?
The white liberal response to the deportations is so backhanded
Boy Meets Dog - Except the “dog” is a killer robot
8 years later, do you think #MeToo backfired?
Can an American explain wtf is happening to you guys right now?
What are the benefits of cover letters in the current job market?
New to the show but why doesn’t Homelander just kill The Boys?
Why are there so many bi women that only date men?
I’m so glad the “evil Superman” trope is dying out.