Whats a fictional childhood crush you held close to you as if they were real? I wanna laugh.
how do I get a long distance girlfriend. all my friends have one and I want to experience it before i grow old
Just a random question because I'm bored. Is there an elden ring boss you respect?
How do people make finding a gf so easy? Read body text (For the guys but any girls happy to give advice can!)
Need outfit ideas to go with the fella omens cloak
Advice needed please
Im fifteen and skeptical about monster
Hey! any tips for morgott?
About the blasphemous blade...
I beat rykard after three tries. And it encouraged me to do something...Heres my verdict on the boss difficulties-So far, as a first time player.
Beat rykard in three tries. Got painfully close every single time.
I'm level eighty seven. Where should I go?
How tf do I beat Godfrey the first elden lord.
What level should I be to fight Godfrey? The golden spirit one
Uhhh draconic tree sentinel cheese anyone? Not the farum azula one, the one outside the capital
Ok! I beat radhan. Where should I go.
Xbox old gen help with caria manor
About the boss remembrances
How do summons work? Can I just call someone in from my friends list to help with a boss?
Just got to renala, the moon queen or something like that, any tips?
Is there any enemy that regardless of your level you avoid at all costs?
Wtf does melena (excuse my spelling, the girl who gives you torrent) mean by "She will play the role of maiden"
Why is nepheli loux not spawning?
I got elden ring for Christmas. Any tips?