If Kuro ever gave out a limited 5 star selector, who would you choose?
Too little male characters, why?
Apparently this is a normal sleeping position?!
i don't even know which one i like better
Full Cantarella design
Skink doing T-pose :)
I met this lil dude today… He is holding on for dear life
Jianxin players - how did you build her and how do you use her
Does anyone have this problem with their reactive pup?
What does your partner do to help you manage your reactive dog?
Felt like sharing my alter
Potrzebujemy ?
Jianxin Bros, are you guys still alive?
eating pasta after taking laxatives
My cat just vomited this, does anyone know what could it be?
Best bromance and you can’t prove me wrong
My uncle said he’s ugly
My Aunt passed away, now I have a cat.
Corrupted mine, torn diary - was Yōu dead from the beginning?
We cringed at Thanos because T.O.P played the character well.
My cat snores a lot, is this normal?
Transferring to a different EU country
What's your best answer to "you're too quiet" ?
What hair cut should I get that will suit my face
What does it mean when he makes this face?