Doubt about Gray People in Network Effect
Your thoughts on A Fantastic Woman? Emotional spoilers, in my review, but no plot.
What mysteries of Star Trek would you like to see solved (and, if you want to say it, how would you solve them)?
You have full-body creative control of the next star trek series. Pitch your series.
Janeway deciding to break the Prime Directive
A very tight competition
So... is anyone actually looking forward to the Section 31 Movie?
I am excited for Section 31
Animan Laios
Guys, you gotta stop with the memes, please
What is your unpopular opinion?
Now it's over, what is yours?
I recently finished Out of Shadows and noticed something about Vernestra
Out of the Shadows discussion thread
Who is the most accomplished actor to have been cast in a regular / recurring role in Star Trek?
Aspects of the Nihil Conflict that should have been developped or explored further ?
Do Jedi behave differently in different eras?
From a lifelong Dracula fan: *Thank you*, Robert Eggers.
Are people hating on Nosferatu and Eggers because they are stuck-in-time contrarians or just plain stupid people who don't like artsy movies?
What actor or actress do you think has the worst case of wasted career potential?
Alien races you wish were featured more in Star Trek?
Who/What do you want the Antagonist to be for a theoretical first Lower Decks Movie?
What are your hot takes/unpopular opinions about Wicked? Musical, movie, whatever
What are some bad design flaws that Federation starships have?
She was a brave Betazed who fought against the Dominion and, in this house, Lwaxana Troi, daughter of the fifth house, is a hero!!