With Pokemon Champions, tera can probably be given to Pokemon not in SV now
Ranked is a scourge upon the earth and I want nothing to do with it
Can Dragon types ever get a physical move better than Dragon Claw?
Bad typings that became good and vice versa
is my townhall 9 enough to impress the ladies?
Is Doomsayer guess astral?
At what point does Stakeout become busted?
Slight Amnesiac buff idea
Homophobic shit head kept telling me I'm "against nature" for being gay, then promptly asked me for pictures of my sister 💀
Out of curiosity, how old do you think is the average tos2 player?
SV National Dex is suspecting Dragapult
Mass Refund for TiS?
I have two charecters
Zombie makes no sense to me
Solo Baker Kills BG?
a collection of mildly interesting moments in tos2
Infinite Fusion Tournament Finals
Making a case for new Ice type resistances
The horrendous state of this sub. Warning: very long and whiny post.
How did this Jester get their chatterbox charges if they didn't speak until they got up on stand? They literally said NOTHING before they were voted up, and they still won.
How crazy would it be to let jester haunt every night?
Would you like to see btos2 sk in vanilla?
Admirer Overhaul - Noah