Just a little joke about the Plunderstorm complains
Any good content creator/reviewer ?
If Azeroth was real and you were sent there, but you could choose your race, class, and background before you go, what would you most want to be and why?
Mordekaiser is fated to lose.
AIO to no support from my best friend?
What would you say is the most common lore misconception among warcraft fans?
This Dalaran decision seems up there with making the dragons sterile.
Pirate Software Yesterday
lads as much as i wanted skin.....
Where do you plant the new Tree?
Choose only one Waifu in all of anime
They truly owe him an apology he was so right 😭
If Illidan was caught before reaching the Eastern Kingdoms?
Mr beast complains about us healthcare
And We Love Them Both
Every photo mode post
Best class for a new solo player?
HARDCORE22V2 mod make combat fun and scary at the same time
Outta these five, who do you find to be the most unlikeable?
Why Can’t She Just Go After V post-The Killing Moon?
Why does songbird care if president myers dies?
The one who would not put his hand on his heart
Has there ever been an explanation why there seems to be two different types of yordles? Yordle subspecies? Human ancestors? They just look like that and nobody questions it?
Seeing how amazing the LB ASU looks makes me feel robbed.
I wish world of warcraft got league of legends/arcane treatment...