Going to a concert and having the lead singer pee on me is not on my bucket list but I guess it's on his.
Is this even possible?
Blessed to get Premier post
MY BF Cheating on me , is he pedophile ?
Is it just me, or does a starting salary of 70k in a high cost of living area seem like a joke?
How far along are you?
Is it hopeless to stream less popular games?
My art improvement throughout the years
The anticipation is killing me
My 3 year old son just beat Stage 4 Cancer!
Go claim your deal of MAC on Ajio get lipstick for 199
Last week's collection!
Two more days,what is your streak?
Looking for a scene
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Tad Fane Waterfalls, Laos
I cry every time I see this video. I wish I had the same role model.
Who is the closest to reach the 500 day streak?
Finally joined the 50 club
We have upto 1000 days streaks now, but how many is basement dweller?
Am I cooked if my rizz surpasses that of the partners?
Top Poster Awards Coming Tomorrow
Why did my Commenter achievements get updated but my Posters achievements didn’t?
Male ego so fragile😭
Send? 🤡