My Slime Garden is now out on Steam F2P!
Just released my game on Steam!
My Slime Garden is out now on Steam!
Do you really think Chao would work as a standalone game?
Fishing Pier Added
Got a lil fishing spot for upcoming updates! for my chao garden fan game
No thoughts going through this chaos head.
Who wants to make a spin off in UEFN?
My Slime Garden Gameplay Trailer
It happened
4 days till Steam early access release.
Welcome to the My Slime Garden subreddit!
How many wishlists do you have and at what point will you say "nice"
Just 1 more week...
Brought over many features from chao garden! notice new things from last time?
Fan title?
It's come a long way, Steam early access is dropping on Jan! Thank you all!
Some bug submissions from my slime garden discord
I have an alpha demo build for my chao garden fan game, anyone interestesd? (in desc.)
My Chao Collection! 💛
What Chao / Animal parts do you guys want to see in this game?
Steam Page is up now! public alpha build in the works!
I freaking LOVE chao garden so here is my Chao Garden Game! (details in desc)
Anyone know how to get Chao saves off a Gamecube memory card WITHOUT a modded Wii?
Hi Guys! I just made a new discord for My Slime hosting my first accessory request event! I am also taking feature requests over there so if you are interested, please join!