I bought it from a nursery and they had the name as color changing rose. What is this plant?
Do friends I haven't added back count as mutual friends?
What are some impressive questions you have asked someone through text?
What are some casual questions to ask a guy without annoying him?
What have you learned on the internet that changer your life?
Is he being friendly or he is interested?
What does this mean and how I intrepret whether he is interested or not?
Should I keep texting him first or should I back off for sometime?
What are some interesting questions to ask a guy to get to know them better without annoying or offending them?
How do you deal with mixed signals from your crush?
How to respond and interpret such mixed signals?
How to know if I am annoying him or not?
How to know if he is interested or not?
What do you see all the time online but never in real life?
What is the stupidest reason someone has made fun or laughed at you?
What's something you find hilarious that's not actually supposed to be funny?
What's one thing the world would be better without?
What's the most ridiculous/funny conspiracy theory you've ever heard?
Fellow pre internet redditors how did you spend your free time as kids?
What will most likely still be around in 150 million years?
What is something you casually told to someone, but ending up impressing them?
What minor change/adjustment has rendered huge results for you?
What’s a TV show that everyone loves but you secretly can’t stand?
What did you learn today?
If u could have one super power what would it be and why ?