My first girl
My 2020 RAV4 Was Stolen in London via CAN Bus Attack – Recovered thanks to an apple AirTag
[Rant] a prime icon compensation else we riot. 💀
[other] Visca el Barca 😬
[other] Ouch
[other] feels weird to see a man utd team using messi. but sick team mate
[bug] EA can’t able to play vsa.. it’s taking too much time at 100% gameplay loading and game is starting with me down by 2 or 3 goals with like 50 sec to go...this started around 4 days back after the update .. and yes I own very good internet connection ! Do something quickly, ucl grind is tough
[Art] Here is my concept but Ea was faster :'(
[MEME] When you at night forget to set alarm
[Q] Should i get UCL Vidal for 11m? Has anyone tested him is he good enough
[rant]No $ for bugs. Bring it back! EA lied again!
[other] 4/4 ... how many of you got right in first leg ? ... i did Chose Ajax and they saved me !
[Q] any news about totw players ?
[Bugs] Was playing the first Skill Game yesterday and just as it ended I went into a place with bad reception. The game took a long time to load and now it shows up like this and I can’t play any of the Skill Games.
[rant] matchups on H2H 😡😡😡 play the same person 3 times in 4 games and they have way more cups. Joke
[Q] I know this is irrelevant.. but can you guys pls help me with this ... bet has been made !
[other] POTM Depay confirmed!!!
[squad building] 96 Messi complains he is on the bench all the time because he doesn’t fit in formation. So I sold 96 Ronaldo, 95 Hazard, 94 Lenglet, 93 Gnabry, 92 Paulinho, and 96 Messi. $78 million later Legendary Messi takes on the field. He costs me nearly everything.
[other] help me commenting your market’s price of messi cf (97) !
[Q] is he any different from his normal toty version ? Was saving up for this but now I am in doubt !
[Squad Building] Força Barça 🔵🔴
[Tips] Info on the Icons Tourney
[other] Sums up my life.....
[Other] The sad story of my life