Thoughts on Blue Phantom Pleco, my LFS just got 2 identical to this, thinking about getting one
Thoughts? My LFS has one identical to this and thinking about getting it!
Decided to go back and get the Blue Phantom Pleco ❤️
Decided to go back and get the Blue Phantom Pleco
Lion king vibes, might have to name him Mufasa
Is this her dropping them?🥲
What is this in my tank?
Need some advice on containers as tanks
Any better ideas?
Mexican Dwarf Crayfish in a 75?
Whats wrong with my plants?
Whats everyone’s preferred substrate?
Needing help and advice!
Anyone know how old roughly?
Look at all the cuties swimming
Was visiting a FFA class and saw this 🥴
Help identify?
What can I feed my crayfish?
Whats the best website for buying shrimp? (Location is yUS, east coast)
I should have about 2 dozen shrimp in 5 gallon tank. Never see them.
Finally got my shrimp into there tank upgrade
Can't wait to get the shrimp!
Is this a crayfish molt?
25gal stocking ideas?