How long did it take you to “Evolve a Magikarp”? 🥲
Need some help/advice.
Type "I summoned" and let auto correct finish it for you. I'll start
Type “I AM GRANDMA!” With your eye closed.
Tell me your favorite Pokémon
Who te evolve into for mega?
Cool looking shiny!
Settle this for us: Who got the better shiny this week? My "Chosen One" daughter (pic 1), or me (pic 2)?
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Which buddy have you spent the most amount of days and traveled the most km with?
Show me your hundos, also who to invest in?
Which Version
very high effort title
high effort meme title
favorate food
Those without shundos, what’s the closest you’ve gotten?
I am returning after a while of not playing I’m just looking for some big hitters ( I really want the necrozma forms) and offering below:
Do as the man says
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Have u ever caught a shiny before catching a normal one?
Is this rare?
What is this(12M)
What is this