Ice Cave in the glacier, Alaska
Free help to build your online fitness business
Trying to decide between Air Force and Navy as a 36 year old with a wife and son
2019 Triumph Street Triple S (765) - Speed limited?
SERE as an older recruit with a family
What can I do about this drain pipe?
Peptides (for me) and anti-anxiety meds for dog
CWT/CTN in Navy or Intel or Cyber in Air Force (experience, advice, etc.)
Best ratings in the us navy with good quality life and off base housing, Information Warfare/ CT field question and undesignated
CTN to software engineering?
Was the Navy worth it?
Back again and y’all know the drill; active duty sere specialist who now works in special warfare selection, AMA
I’m confused. Apartment AND housing shortage?
Anyone know the scheduled ship dates for the rest of 2022?
fellas don't lie, what movie had you tearing up?
Question for any SERE Instructors.
Which ALICE pack should I buy?
What’s something you’re sure everyone is just pretending to like?
What’s the weirdest compliment you ever received?
Instead of strippers, what would you want to see come out of giant birthday cakes?
Most mentally-tough pipelines/jobs in USAF?
Would you rather go down on someone or have someone go down on you?