Guys they did it!
Why is discord charging me
This new helldivers game looks weird
So this is that amazing armor modding I was hearing about
Did anyone used to do this or was it just me?
Sold a motorcycle today with problems and buyer is now messaging me. What do I do?
Is it normal to have all my races end with someone wrecking me?
Why does my game keep crashing on quest 2
how do i get rid of this without all my colonists dying
How much Platinum do you have rn?
Any advice to dispatching 171 shamblers. I can wait them out but on 1x speed my TPS is at 35 with 16FPS. Randy tryna crash my game. Tried fighting with a tank (bulldog) and mortars and still can't beat them. Running QoL mods with most VE mods.
Belt grinder nail filing
If I didn't hold it in my hand I would not believe it existed... An aluminum brake disc
asked my cousin to paint a scoop for me, came out pretty badass
Would it be possible to make airsoft versions of these?
Usable and/or repairable?
I baited a Harley rider
Is underwater welding really dangerous?
Don’t log out because you’re scared
Had my first bike less than a week, got pulled over for the first time in over 10 years on the road.
What is the stupidest thing auto-correct has thought you meant to say?
What's your biggest piggy bank?
Will i enjoy being a machinist?