Help me pick
1 or 2???
Rank these knives in order
Need to Find a New Combo Help - Have the First One Currently (M9s are similar in Price, BFK would be a stretch so its not likely to get but its a juicer)
1 or 2?
Ruby or Sapphire? Already got an Emerald
Which gloves for my bfk? (low budget)
1 Or 2?
Trade desert hydra for Fade and Phosphor?
Should I sell my talon doppler p1 and gloves to get karambit tiger tooth with default gloves?
DELL AW2523HF review
Which one should I get? Love both equally
What would this cost?
Which combo?Help
Which one tickles your balls?
I might be going insane but i'm seeing a mini karambit on the Karambit Case Hardened Pat. 26
Which Combo Are you Choosing and Why?
P2 Karambit vs P2 M9 with vice gloves?
New knife who dis?
new loadout
My best knife unboxing ever