Look at this racist fascist😡 Oh wait a minute….
Communist fascist all the same to me fuck off if you don’t like freedom
What do y’all think of all these new firearm tips coming from TikTok ?
Unknown rifle
In 1932, Josef Stalin and his daughter Svetlana
Something about evolving technology.
Round two
It makes sense when you don't think about it
We were all wounded at wounded knee
This is the type of "armed-normalcy" in society that was intended by the founders...
No meme my heart breaks for my brothers and sisters. Who’s human rights are being violated.
C-SPAN | ATF Director Testifies in Support of the Hearing Protection Act
Meme him into the spot
Brandon for ATF director
Brandon Herrera for Director of ATF
He's heard us!!! But we need to keep making noise
Brandon Herrera For Director of the ATF
Hopefully you’ve learned not to give your rights up to the government
Let’s make this happen
Let’s make it happen