Where do you see xrp in 6 years ?
I’m IT-ATF just got out of bootcamp
Can I speak to an RDC please ? I have a few odd questions
What was so bad about madame web?
Hello, I just read that you can retake the ASVAB in bootcamp
First time doing Water Fasting
What made extended fasting at least little bit easier for you? (36+ hours)
Just curious I’m terms of A school
Check-in - Day 3/15
Do you guys actually like black coffee … this shit is ass 😭
100 hours in 620 hours to go 💪🏻
3days in knocking down my 4th aiming for 30
Hi, future sailor here can you help
Almost done
Few questions please help
starting 30 day fasting again after 4 months
Down 60lbs in 29 days
SEA duty I’d like a bit of clarification
Former sailors , current sailors can you help?
(Serious) why are people oblivious to danger ?
What is the reason that people specifically women tend to be oblivious to danger?
Why are women so oblivious to danger ?
Dumb question, is there any service on a ship
Neighbour complains