Is the game really turning into CoD?
Well I’m back to 0
all you need to know
Never Too Late for Bitcoin
Tell me you have no software development background without telling me
Sausage vending machine in Germany
Bet against the system
AITA for telling my wife to let me concentrate when they asked me if I needed anything?
Grüß Gott
Recently got my friend into Hunt and his complaints highlight what to fix to not turn away new players
142€ - Rewe, Munich, Germany
why people complained about old "deathtraps" and now that we have real deathtraps that you cannot avoid with 2 bear traps, is suddenly ok?
Wir lieben Hunde, aber …
Is Bitcoin a bubble?
Motivating players to change gameplay behavior
Got BTC?
Which Event is the Most Memorable for YOU?
I feel betrayed
PSA: Hunt is now back down to "Mixed Reviews" on the store page and in bad standing. I made a post 2 days ago saying Hunt had good review rating, suddenly it changed and now is down to 67%. (was 75% positive before)
Hunt is back to "Mostly Positive" on the store page and no longer in a bad standing. 75% rating (was 41% negativity before) I'm happy for the community. Long live Hunt! This game is amazing.
Listen to your crazy cousin.
Opinions on the Necro nerf so far
Murder Circus is awesome. Thanks Crytek!
Words from a N00B…
Contraband don't have any reason left to be at the very exception to bloat the UI, they need to go.