Anyone else refund date is the 24th?!
It's hitting 🥳👏🏿
So I'm an 02 and got a 846 code. I'm wondering what other cycle codes got an update. Any 05ers?
IRS employees on strike
Our government owns us
REALLY PATHERS???!! Reeeeallly
Am I being audited?
Update but no 846 code
I’m nervous any body have this code with the dates the same and 0.00 balance ?
This is different ☕ How thoughtful!
It’s official
I'm sorry, but this is hilarious 😆
Happy 13th Birthday to the iconic, Blue Ivy 🥳💙
Look what I found today!
Out of the many recreations of her Buckiin' choreo, I think this is in my top three!
Homemade Chicken Sandwich
I'm starting to understand those women who start relationships with imprisoned murderers
Holding white women accountable
Tupac Bucket Hat 🫶🏿
Does anyone have the exact same bday as Bey?
That’s it.. that’s the post. Everything bagel bites. They’re incredible
Look at our niece, Blue Ivy 💙☺️
Do you prefer blueberry muffins with streusel tops or without?