Bro does not like vocaloids
Why is this accurate💀
Are we the only ones that are happy when there's a new peely skin you don't have this skin btw sypher
What should be the next icon skin?
Why is bro copying sypher💀
Who are these?💀
say somthing bad about this season??????
CourageJD more like couldRageJd
Who is this? (Wrong answers only)
Just drew Meowscles, how did i do?
What was your first main skin and what's your current main
What’s everyone’s #1 Christmas present?
I don't think I was meant to get these
Describe the season in one word
Not me being absolutely lasered from 400 meters away with this:
Does anyone else hate that there is no ready up button in game anymore??
What do you think this game will have in the next 15 years??
What’s your main skin I’ll go first
Trimix predices the future
Rate this clip 1/10
Who else got three free loading screens randomly
Did anybody else get this early???
What is The best Fortnite meme skin (I'll Go First)
What is the best emote in Fortnite history I have to go with Richest
Did you realize that fortnite does'nt put what we asked for and fortnite puts wat what we did'nt ask for